Join us March 2-3 in Portland, Oregon, to tackle the pressing challenges that today’s telecommunicators face, from the health impacts of shift work to the often-overlooked influence of your work environment on overall well-being.

This Summit brings together a distinguished panel of experts from across the emergency telecommunications field, ready to discuss key issues and answer your questions on topics that impact not only your immediate health but also your long-term wellness, even beyond your time in the ECC.

By the end of this Summit, you’ll gain the tools and insights to start building effective strategies for supporting both your personal mental, physical and emotional health needs and those of your ECC team. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your well-being and bring back actionable solutions to your agency.

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Who Attends

This event brings together 9-1-1 emergency communications professionals, law enforcement executives, state and local government leaders, and HR specialists, with 200 attendees, including Senior Communication Directors, Training Supervisors, Shift Supervisors and Emergency Services Dispatch Managers. Join a diverse network from across the U.S. and Canada to connect with industry leaders and peers.

Why Attend

Education: Enhance your professional expertise by earning valuable CEUs through targeted sessions and discussions.

Networking: Take advantage of dedicated break times to connect with peers and industry experts, extending the conversation beyond the sessions.

Sponsor Showcase: Explore solutions for health and wellness from leading public safety communication companies, offering products and services designed to support your unique needs.

Co-located with the APCO Western Regional Conference!


Registration is open.

Rates go up after January 31, 2025.


Take a look at these sessions intended to make you and your ECC mentally and physically healthier.


  • Diamond sponsor
  • Bronze Sponsors
  • Supporter

Hotel & Travel

APCO has set up group rates for hotel rooms.


Learn more about our speakers.

Become a Sponsor

Check out the ways to support this event and 9-1-1 wellness!